anything but itself

slow determination,
chaotic bends,
like determined vines,
flows love's rot,
reaching nowhere,
reaching everwhere,
until the surface,
is anything but itself.

for a mad world, one needs you

wanna hug you,
as the world rolls by,
and rips its self bare,
while I remain safe,
in your embrace.

the ends of the world,
rise up against each other,
madness floods planet,
while I remain safe,
in your embrace.

the world breaks its bones,
and throws its insides out,
on display for all to see,
while I remain safe,
in your embrace.

the world is set ablaze,
its light more terrifying,
than any darkness,
while I remain safe,
in your embrace.

but the perversion,
reaches us it finds,
an incorrigible halo,
while we remain safe,
in our embrace.

let us hug,
as the world rolls by,
and rips its self bare,
while we remain safe,
in our embrace.

around the world seven times

i went around the world seven times,
remotest corners,
highest mountains,
lowest depths,
widest plains,
in search of you,

once as a king,
to charm you love,
but u where not to be found,

once as a scholar,
to reason with you love,
but u where not to be found,

once as a magician,
to mystify you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a clown,
to tickle you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a thief,
to steal you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a beggar,
to beg for you,
but u where not to be found,

even as i set the world ablaze in passion,
she did not yield,
mother earth kept you out of sight,

in despair i flung my masks to the fire,
and finally found you,
once i went as me .... <3

my mind on 300111

I'm a hermit crab,
in a sea of faceless shrimp,
drifting away in directionless wander,
but now i come to rest by ur glow,
with vague dreams and ur essence,
i build my castle of mist on alien sands,

we kept hope and love alive,
ur words like bellows,
breathing the breath if life,
on dying embers,
of by gone values and misty dreams,
gently lighting up my castle of mist.

in this stygian sea my castle glows,
illuminating my realm,
with hope and magic,
but when u leave,
it shall dissipate,
leaving behind a disillusioned hermit crab.

on this day - 260111

my yin and yang,
slips out of harmony,
spinning in the turbulent rage,
my soul unleashed on itself,
i feel my inside tear into a billion pieces,
and my face means nothing anymore,
i feel lost,
heading out to my destruction,
like a paper boat,
smashing against the rapids,
but just before,
u emerge,
the fires of rage and chaos,
illuminating your outline,
in bronze and gold,
you are Mars,
you are Venus,
you pull me out of my depths,
and restore balance,
like goddess Athena,
you fought my demons,
and restored harmony,
and i finally hear the songbird's tune.

....... :) <3