around the world seven times

i went around the world seven times,
remotest corners,
highest mountains,
lowest depths,
widest plains,
in search of you,

once as a king,
to charm you love,
but u where not to be found,

once as a scholar,
to reason with you love,
but u where not to be found,

once as a magician,
to mystify you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a clown,
to tickle you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a thief,
to steal you,
but u where not to be found,

once as a beggar,
to beg for you,
but u where not to be found,

even as i set the world ablaze in passion,
she did not yield,
mother earth kept you out of sight,

in despair i flung my masks to the fire,
and finally found you,
once i went as me .... <3