Just an update :)


16 – 06 – 08

Hey people that read my blog or hey two to three people that have accidentally found this page.

What is happening –

Holidays just concluded and I am back in that depressing place by the side of Richmond road flyover.

I went to Thailand during my holidays with my dad. I liked the place. It was nice, especially Pattaya – went parasailing, chilled on the beach drank some coconuts. I love thai coconuts. Indian ones are small and not as refreshing.

In college the same sense of alienation is back.

My friend's mom called me an anti-social person and that saddens me. I don't know why but it does. I don't look at myself as an anti-social person.


it is true i have very few friends. it is also true that on certain days i prefer being alone. wouldn't that make me a less successful socialite instead?

18 – 06 – 08

Right now I am in college. It is about 1:15 or so and the college lunch break is going on. I just finished my puliogare (tamarind rice) with some vegetables as side dish. I am sitting alone in college and I am writing away!

Anti social?

I am sitting alone because I don't want to be with anyone. I do have friend (surprisingly) but they are all mixed with their friends whom I don't really know.

It is very discomforting for me to be in a group of many people and know only one person. My usual lunch buddy isn't here. So I prefer to be alone…

Does this make me anti-social?

19 -06 – 08

Today at approximately eight twenty I met a guy by the name of Jigu (hope I got the spelling right) who goes to the same college as I. its been two years since we have been going to the same place from the same place! After speaking to him I realized I was introduced to him about a year back by a mutual friend. I recognized him on the way to college. I asked him if he went to josephs and realized I kinda knew him!

I made the initiation to speak to him so that means I am not anti social :P