Read the previous post!

This post was supposed to be out long back. Two months back to be precise. But the protagonist was busy, or at least appeared busy.

The last post didn’t make sense and this is suppose to bring in some clarity on the previous ramblings. And incoherent sentences that made up the previous post.

I was sitting in class when my teacher said it would be a nice idea if one of us could go to Bijapur and write a report on floods that devastated the place. To his surprise, one student volunteered and then another one, and so it was set that the two of them would go.

After the class was over, my friends (the two that volunteered) asked me if i would like to tag long with them and after a lot of thought I agreed. I immediately called up my dad to ask for permission but unfortunately for me, he dad had other ideas. He put his foot down and said NO! After pleading with him for an hour or so he finally agreed. Yippppppe! :)

My friends and me left for Bijapur that night and reached only at 11 am the next morning.

Our plan was simple, visit two villages and write our report based on the information we collect there. Overall the experience was good as it gave us some exposure with what was happening outside, (i at least felt so because my comfortable life in Bangalore city is like living in a shell – oblivious to everything that is happening outside).

There were many stories of loss and heartache but one story that gripped me was the case of this elderly lady that took a loan and built her house. The heavy rains destroyed the house leaving her with a debt for something that no longer existed.

Thankfully no one was serious injured or killed in the villages we visited but these terrible floods claimed hundreds of lives in the affected states (mainly Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, in Southern India).

I could also like to thank Father Jerry, Brother Balraj and all the members of CNFE (Centre for Non Formal Education) as if it wasn't for their guidance and support, we wouldn't have been able to bring out our article. They not only fed us and gave us a place to rest, but they also took us to the two villages. No report would have come out in our college paper if it wasn't for them.

Some of the pics i clicked can be found here.


Adi said...

The atrocities people are put through just for petty politics!

I wish you could write more on the floods and what happened with more stories. It would be a real waste if you cannot bring these CRIMES to our notice. SO, please write and explain what you experienced!

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am definitely delighted to discover this. great job!

Anonymous said...

Hi - I am really happy to discover this. cool job!