Education is.... ?

According to my development communication teacher, "education is what you remember after you have forgotten everything else." If that were true it would really suck! Seriously think about it. For me at least every illusion of self worth that I have would instantly vanish. Poof! Just like any hope of solving the Ayodhya dispute issue.

If that were true then my bachelor degree in Industrial Relations, Economics and Sociology would mean jack shit. I would instead have a degree in whining, laziness and innovative nonsense! I wonder what job opportunities that would open up.

Maybe RAW would hire me and make me their chief operative in Pakistan. I would infiltrate the country's administration (with fake degrees and RAW's help of course) and whine and complain about everything all the while taking no action and slacking off at the people's expense. I would blow trivial issues out of proportion and divert the countries funds to 'solve' them. Or maybe something less risky. Like using my innovate nonsense skills to construct an alternate reality for a major firm that has messed up big time *cough cough*BP*cough*. Yup i could be one hackin awesome spokesperson :)

Or I might just end up as a homeless dude (which, lets face it, is more likely!).

Education.... suxs!

but it would be so cool to be a mad genius that brough down an entire enemy nation!


slickthief said...

Oh I definitely second the homeless dude part! :P
hehehehe...! Mad genius..?? :P
LOL! or we cud both join RAW!

Raghunath S said...

ya dude... may be we can become good investigators and work together in RAW...