Economics Hour

The lectures are, unlike lectures. They seem to be a large mass of incoherent words. My mind breaks free and travels far, far away. I soar above the tiny college. I fly to far away lands.

I am now in a park. I love parks they are so peaceful. I simply love them. I am in complete awe of nature. Trees! Aren’t the absolutely lovely? They are all unique in there own way, they each touch are lives in one way or the other. I love the fruit trees, the large shady ones, the flowery ones, they are all beautiful! I walk with the same sense of wonder and amazement as my little cousin sister watching me perform a very unimpressive card trick. Its paradise, but . . . what’s that, in the distance. What a ghastly sight! My eyes revolt and turn pale. Nauseated, I look up at this horrid sight. Frail branches that support none . . . the rotting trunk . . . the fruitless twigs, welcoming no bird. The benevolent forces does not strike you down. You don’t deserve air . . . you suffocate all. You deserve no nutrition . . . you rob people’s appetite. You waste space intended for a worthy person. I want to purge this land of your presence . . .

don’t you think so?

Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire” – Matthew 3:10


Ramy said...

i wish i cud do dis flyin business in my borin classes 2... :(