Freakin thought of the day!!!

I started my cat classes almost a month ago, (this should have been another post but i'm just too lazy) but that's unimportant. My class room is basically somebody else's class room during the day time as it's a school which is used in the evening time by a tutorial company. Like most classrooms especially for the little ones the board is filled with all sorts of mambo-jumbo that are supposedly meant to inspire and motivate our young minds. One way is to put out a 'thought for the day' which is usually a proverb of some sorts. Now today's proverb really pushed my buttons! Not only is it completely untrue, it also inspires one to do things that one should not be doing! Today's thought for the day to the little ones over at that school is – 'failure is the key to success'. Wow! I mean really, WOW! Calling it a lie will be very magnanimous on my part. Seriously, there are lies and there is stuff like this that is just so far-fetched from reality. I can tell you guys with at most confidence that failure does not unlock any door to success! In fact if that was true a huge door would open for me, complete with a red carpet, a live band, scores of cheering fans, reporters and a fancy escort! Kids would jubilantly proclaim, 'when i grow up i want to be a failure just like him!' girls would cry, 'why can't all men fail like him! He drives me crazy!' Heck if failure was a key to success then the doors to success wouldn't open for me; they would shatter as i walk towards them! Does this happen? No, it does not! Not even in my dreams (and i indulge in a lot of dreaming)! No kid in their right mind would want to grow up to be like me and no girl in her right mind would ever want to be with me! So folks what does it prove? It proves that the freakin proverb is a load of bullshit propagated by a teacher that hates his/her students!

P:S – another updated is due regarding my college and stuff but i'm procrastinator, lord of all lazydom!


Manish Verma said...

ya kinda nice to read.
keep writing

Ravi Paul said...

Hai Siddu, I would like you to look at it in this way:

While failure by no means should be encouraged, what is being conveyed is that the students should not get discouraged by failures; and that failing should not stop you from trying...

just another thought...