G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra

I remember spending endless amounts of time playing with 'G.I. Joe' action figures. It was something I couldn't fathom my childhood without. It was a rite of passage and every one of my friends had the action figures. Naturally, nostalgia and excitement were my primary emotions when I heard the movie was coming out, like most G.I Joe fans I am sure!

The movie bears a very simple plot; bad guys who want to take over the world and good guys that will do everything humanly (and un-humanly) possible to stop them.

'M.A.R.S' an international weapons dealer has just created the deadliest weapon called 'nanomites', which are basically some sort of robotic termites that can eat anything in its path. This weapon is unlike anything that the world has ever seen and therefore top security is given to the weapon. Unfortunately however the people who were supposed to get the weapons never do! A terrorist organisation gets a hold of the weapon and uses it to arm twist various governments. Thus the movie takes its viewers to the very beginning of 'Cobra', an international terrorist organisation that would put all real world terror outfits to shame.

The action sequences and special effects are spectacular to say the least. If you are a kind of person that likes a lot of eye candy and fast paced action this is definitely made for you.

'Snake eyes' is another reason to watch this flick. He is cold, fast and a connoisseur of close combat techniques. In my opinion he is the best G.I. Joe has to offer. 'Storm Shadow' of 'Cobra' is also equally impressive and the whole rivalry between the two is very well portrayed and the most entertaining part of the movie.

If you take away the special effects and the above mentioned characters, you get an 'I have seen in before action flick', emotionally unrealistic characters, a predictable storyline and bad humour.

Final verdict
Watch it for the action sequences and the 'Snake Eyes Vs Storm Shadow' bits, because that is all this movie has to offer. G.I Joe fans will be especially disappointed.

This is the movie review i gave my teacher (ref to last post). She said it was ok, but i needed to del the first para.

Tests from tomorrow... and my funeral! L