Happy Birthday Buddy!

What’s the deal with 12 o’clock postings and me? Anyway today, the 8th of November is my friend’s birthday so,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK! I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you buddy!

My exams are still going on, as you already know (if u read my previous post that is). Yesterday I finished economics. My worse subject so the paper was not easy but I guess it could have been worse. I know I sound like an optimist who is always looking at the bright side things but believe me I am not but as of now I am just happy its over. The next exam is on the 9th, after that I can relax because my next and incidentally the last is on the 11th, its Additional English. Which is relatively easy when compared to my other subjects so a little study is enough.

I wonder how Mark’s day will turn out when he wakes up. I know how my day will be and it isn’t going fun. I will be alone in this boring room of mine studying for my next exam. I can’t wait for this rubbish to end. I am really sleepy and tired now so I will hit the sack.

Good nigh and good morning to all :-)


Patrick said...

Greetings Siddarth -
you celebrate others' birthdays, you celebrate the litter of pups, you continue to seek knowledge and education - you are not losthopelessly - in fact I gain much hope in reading your posts.

As to your question - I believe that we create our own heaven or hell in this life by our own attitudes and actions. I hurt for "really terrible" people for I believe that they are building their own cells of sorrow and grief.